Thursday, April 26, 2012

Firm to give half their earnings to charity

The general partners of Andreessen Horowitz have pledged to donate at least half of their future venture capital earnings to philanthropic causes, Fortune reports.. And, to begin, they have sprinkled $1 million on Silicon Valley nonprofits that focus on everything from urban forestry to homeless families.

Here's how it will work: Each of Andreessen Horowitz's six general partners -- Marc Andreessen, Ben Horowitz, Jeff Jordan, Peter Levine, Jon O'Farrell and Scott Weiss -- will donate at least half of all management fee and carried interest income they earn for the rest of their venture capital careers. It is up to each individual partner to determine where the money goes.

"We've been inspired by what John Doerr and Mike Moritz have done by participating in the Buffett/Gates Giving Pledge," explains Ben Horowitz, whose initial donation was to a program for special needs children and their families. "We hope other venture capital firms are inspired by what we're doing, and maybe do something similar."


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