Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor, expressed his disapproval of Occupy Wall Street activists on Thursday. There were sexual assaults and a possible rape at the protesters' gathering place in Zuccotti Park. Their behavior was "despicable and ... outrageous," which makes "all of us less safe," Bloomberg said.
"There have been reports, which are equally as disturbing, that when people in Zuccotti Park become aware of crimes, instead of calling the police, they form a circle around the perpetrator," Bloomberg said, Reuters reports. People in the park then "chastise him or her and chase him or her out into the rest of the city to do who knows what to who knows whom," the mayor said.
A growing number of residents, politicians and newspapers are complaining to Bloomberg about cleaning up the park. They believe the abundance of tents has sparked sexual assaults, drug dealing and crime….
Read more about this at http://www.thirdage.com/news/michael-bloomberg-wont-tolerate-occupy-wall-street-violence_11-06-2011
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