Friday, July 20, 2012

Today's Sultan of Sleaze: Goldman Exec Who Made Millions on Housing Bust Now Wants to Make Millions on Housing Un-Bust

According to NY Magazne’s Kevin Roose it's a shame Occupy Wall Street is no longer the force it used to be, because the movement could have had a field day with the story of Donald Mullen.  Mullen, a former Goldman Sachs mortgage executive who helped design the trades that allowed Goldman to profit from the collapse of the housing bubble, is raising money for a hedge fund that will buy up foreclosed homes and rent them out, Reuters reports.

Let's go over this a little more slowly, because it is actually sort of crazy: In the years leading up to the financial crisis, a team of mortgage executives and traders at Goldman Sachs predicted that the housing market was in trouble. So they designed a massive bet against it, using a bunch of esoteric financial instruments known as collateralized debt obligations that would pay off in the event that housing prices fell and homeowners defaulted on their mortgages.

That bet, now known colloquially as "the big short," allowed Goldman and its clients (including hedge-fund managers like John Paulson) to avoid losses and make billions of dollars when the housing market collapsed, at the same time that people around the country lost their homes to foreclosure.  Now, the guy who led that team — the exact same guy! — is starting a hedge fund that will make money by buying up foreclosed-upon houses and renting them out for profit....

Wait…wait…there’s more at

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