Dealbreaker writes: Gang, something’s come up in across the pond that needs our immediate attention. I’ll get right to it: at issue is whether or not “high powered financial adviser” Amanda Daughters should be allowed to have her job back at Aqua Financial Solutions, the firm she founded and was fired from by the chairman a couple years back. She’s currently appealing the decision but ahead of hearing what an employment tribunal has to say, why not give Daughters a trial by jury of her peers? Here’s the rub:
According to the Daily Telegraph on January 22, 2010, Daughters left the office to sit down with a couple clients at an off-site meeting place (a bar). Naturally, she got there a few (4) hours early to have a bunch (12*) of drinks. So far, so good. When the clients arrived, one ordered a “spritzer,” which was not to Daughters’ liking, which would explain why she proceeded to “berate” the woman to the point of tears. Then Daughters had a few more drinks. At this point, things apparently got “hazy” for AD who, while she can’t recall much, remembers thinking that making the client cry was “not unduly serious,” as the woman accepted her apology. Then Daughters had a few more drinks. Around this time, she “dragged the other client outside to have a cigarette, even though he was a non-smoker” and called him a cunt (which despite her obviously having meant as a joke was received as “shocking and offensive”). Forty** drinks later, Daughters took herself home and despite being more or less black out drunk, had this weird feeling she’d done something she’d be embarrassed about the next day and called up hr chairwoman to let her know she’d “fucked up again and offended a client.” Having been there before, Daughters also sent an email to the client the following morning to say “I hope you can forgive me.”
Unfortunately, the client and the chairwoman couldn’t….
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