Monday, February 13, 2012

Wall Street's Love Letter To China's 'Princeling'

According to Politico:

Dear Vice President Xi,

The ENGAGE CHINA coalition thanks you for your continuing leadership to strengthen the relationship between the United States and China. We welcome you to the United States and hope that your visit will be informative and enjoyable. Through your leadership, we also hope that your visit will provide the opportunity to reinvigorate discussions on financial services in the Strategic & Economic Dialogue.
ENGAGE CHINA is a coalition comprised of twelve financial services trade associations united in our view that active cooperation between the United States and China remains the most constructive means of ensuring that the citizens of both nations mutually benefit from the growing bilateral economic relationship.
The U.S.-China economic relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world. How this critical relationship is managed will determine in large part the growth and vitality of the global economy in the 21st century. With that important observation in mind,the coalition wants to be of assistance as China continues to grow and develop.

In particular, the coalition is strongly of the view that continued reform and modernization of China’s financial sector is essential if China is to achieve its economic goals of maintaining high rates of growth and job creation, building a more services-based, consumer-driven economy, reducing poverty, and ensuring a more equitable distribution of opportunity and prosperity.

Capital is the lifeblood of any economy’s strength and well-being, enabling the investment, research, and risk-taking that fuels competition, innovation, productivity, and prosperity. However, capital is productive only to the degree that it is well allocated, a task that becomes increasingly important as an economy grows in size and complexity. A developed and sophisticated financial sector is crucial for efficient capital allocation….

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