According to BusinessInsider Goldman Sachs 'compensation expense' for 2011 was $12.22 billion or $370,000 per employee*. What does Goldman's pay look like in larger context? On average, Goldman Sachs employee's make:
1.64 times more than the average surgeon in the US
2.14 times more than the average US CEO
3.37 times more than the income per capita in Qatar, which has the highest per capita income in the world
8.33 times more than a sergeant in the US Army
8.34 times more than the average US worker
23.89 times more than the average Walmart associate
24.56 times more than workers making New York State minimum wage
103.55 times more than Foxconn employees (who assemble Apple's products)
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/goldmans-pay-per-employee-is-more-than-qatars-income-per-capita-and-other-interesting-comparisons-2012-1
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