HuffPo’s Peter Goodman writes: do they hand out Nobel prizes for advances in delusional thinking? If so, I hereby nominate Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, for her address this afternoon before the assembled participants at the World Economic Forum here in this lavish ski resort in the Swiss Alps.
Merkel has contributed mightily to the cause of undermining confidence in the Euro while choking the continent in job-killing, future-crushing austerity. She has staked a decent claim to the title of world's worst advertisement for democracy (though congressional Republicans remain safely in command) through her pandering to German taxpayers, blocking efforts to make the European Central Bank the lender of last resort. Yet here she was on Wednesday afternoon, taking a victory lap for supposedly helping avert crisis via collective action….
Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-s-goodman/merkel-euro-crisis-davos_b_1231476.html?ref=business
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