Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Very Curious Case of the Goldman Mystery Laptop

The good folks at BusinessInsider remind us that a few weeks ago the New York Times published a story about a mystery laptop that revealed details suggesting that Fabrice Tourre was not the only Goldman Sachs employee responsible for the Abacus mess.

Tourre, in case you’re not up on your recent financial history, was the lone trader prosecuted for creating and selling shoddy mortgage securities in the lead-up to the financial crisis.

The NYT story implied that Tourre's defense is that he was part of a close-knit team, all of whom built and sold the deals, and they were all as guilty as each other.
The Times said it got the details about Tourre's defense from a laptop owned by a woman called Nancy Cohen. Instantly, the laptop became the most talked about item in the story.

Cohen says a friend of hers found it in the garbage can and thought Cohen, a artist and filmmaker who also goes by Nancy Kahn, might find something interesting on it. It turns out that the laptop -- which has a red heart sticker on it and is a Sony -- belonged to Tourre. Goldman Sachs told CNN it was his personal computer, not his work computer….

Read more now....

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