Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Help Wanted USA: Hiring hotspots emerge, but….

According to Reuters it's not like the people in Fort Wayne, Indiana aren't sympathetic with America's unemployed. It's just that they're not seeing as many of them as the rest of us. While most of the country is saddled with stubbornly high unemployment, numerous new construction projects and thousands of new jobs have made this Midwestern city of nearly 250,000 a pocket of relative prosperity.
Fort Wayne added 8,000 jobs in the past year, almost half of the 18,000 it lost during the recession, including many in manufacturing. Its jobless rate has dropped by 1.3 percentage points to 8.1 percent. That all helped to propel it to the top of the Fiscal Times' 10 Best Places to Find a Job list.

And it's not alone. There are other places with help wanted signs offering jobs with high wages. They're places like Wichita, Kansas; Worcester, Massachusetts and the Paris of Idaho, Twin Falls. That's particularly good news for the 5.9 million long-term unemployed Americans (those out of work for at least 27 weeks and still actively looking for a job), many of whom may soon lose their unemployment benefits.

Read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/21/us-usa-jobs-hiring-idUSTRE7AK1CX20111121

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