Sunday, November 13, 2011

European Crisis Hitting U.S. Companies

The tremors from Europe's financial upheaval have reached U.S. shores, rattling consumers and companies. The consequences have been limited so far. Yet the United States and Europe are so closely linked that any slowdown across the Atlantic is felt here. U.S. makers of cars, solar panels, drugs, clothes and computer equipment have all reported effects from Europe's turmoil.

Worries that Europe's crisis could worsen and spread are spooking investors and consumers just as the holiday shopping season nears. Some fear U.S. consumers could rein in spending. Europe's sputtering growth is already dragging on some U.S. companies' profits and could further slow the U.S. economy.

The crisis "seems to be coming to a head right at the time the U.S. economy is at its most vulnerable," said Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo…..

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1 comment:

  1. I find it outrageous to see such articles published, thus the readers are more or less invited to think that Europe created or is creating the financial issues in the US, where it was actually the US bad financial handling that crumbled together in 2008 and actually pulled the WHOLE WORLD with it into this turmoil - Europe included.

    It is unbelievable to see that there are journalists who really try hard to make their readers believe Europe will be the cause for US downfall.

    To me it seems like an orchestrated media symphony to put the blame for the very own incompetence onto the Europeans, and if it would work why not even better to blame Germany for all of it, right? That would be the best that could happen for the US media moguls ... Nazi Germany is back trying to conquer the world by financial destabilization.
