“…To hear Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman tell it, the firm's footprint is the secret of its success. With a long-established presence in four asset classes vs. only one or two for rivals, Blackstone gets daily feeds of information that give the company a competitive edge. "We're not smarter than anyone else," Schwarzman says. "We just see more."
“Schwarzman is so detail-oriented that this explanation stretches over 20 minutes, a not uncommon duration when he digs into an interview question. Another query, about Occupy Wall Street, sparks its own 18-minute dissection of a decade's worth of economic history, only to conclude with the bland observation that the protests are an understandable response to the economic slowdown….
Read more at http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/12/20/blackstone-steve-schwarzman/
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