Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obama Singles Out Hedge Funders And Corporate Jet Owners For Paying Too Little In Taxes

According to the BusinessInsider right now, President Obama is making a speech about how to deal with the debt and deficit problems.

He emphasized that tax cuts have to be on the table in order to curb debt, in addition to spending cuts.

I'm not asking for middle class Americans to pay higher taxes, Obama said. He is simply asking that tax breaks no longer be extended to millionaires and billionaires, he added.

Obama heartlessly then singled out hedge fund managers in that group of "millionaires and billionaires," who should not be getting tax breaks; not bankers, just hedge fund managers.

"I don't think it's real radical" to ask corporate jet owners and millionaires to pay higher taxes, Obama said. "No-one wants to see the U.S default."

Certainly not all the dedicated movers and shakers who have worked and sacrificed to make this fine country what it is today. Bless your pea-pickin' hearts!.

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